Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The night mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The night mother - Essay Example It is mentioned she is a lonely girl who doesn’t find much interest in talking to other people, but struggles to put herself together. Unlike her daughter, Thelma Cates is described as chatty and nosy yet as we read the play we realize that she is just as lonely as her daughter. She is in her late fifties and is quiet aware of her age. She tries to take this in positively, but cannot ignore the obvious that she is getting older and her time will soon come too. The play takes places in Thelma’s house and from there on Jessie has made the decision to take control of her life, thoughts and feelings. By the very first look of â€Å"Night Mother† we are able to determine that the play revolves around gloom and loneliness, from Jessie and Thelma, and grows around the issues they have had throughout life with a failed marriage, her epilepsy, and her delinquent son, Ricky. The main issue revolving the story sets around the fact that Jessie has decided to commit suicide, and straightforwardly tells her mother of her plans. â€Å"Jessie is full of vengeance and decides to commit suicide; oblivious to the fact that it might hurt her mother† (Brustein 160.) Before she does so, she must complete the list of things she has set herself to make before she kills herself, or as she told the people around town, â€Å"taking a vacation† (Norman 15). ... The author makes a remark by indicating that the appearance of the house shouldn’t be associated with the personality of Jessie, given that her mother is the one who is most outgoing. Norman adds on to the dialogue invisible characters that come up, meanwhile the two of them are having a deep conversation about how and why Jessie has taken the decision she has. While talking, they bring up characters like Dawson, Jessie’s brother, Loretta; Dawson’s wife, Ricky; Jessie’s son, and Cecil; Jessie’s ex husband. In addition to these characters, Jessie’s dad plays a very important role. From the conversation she and her mother are having, her mother admits to never loving him, but unlike Thelma, Jessie loved her father very much. I believe the importance of Jessie’s father plays after his death, since she did not have a father figure and her mother did not seem to worry about other than herself. It is also mentioned in the play that Cecil, wa s a handy man that made the porch and Thelma ended up marrying him to her daughter. Such actions have made the character of Jessie to submerge herself in the memory of her father, because â€Å"she never saw an environment in which love and harmony were abundant† (Burkman 36). In my opinion, Jessie’s suicidal thoughts come from the lack of affection she has received throughout her life. Cecil, her ex-husband has also taken most of her happiness since she became epileptic and fell off a horse and he divorced her. Her ideal marriage never really came together, and to only see her son grow to be somewhat of an antisocial or a delinquent. Although her mother wants to convince her that this is just a phase Ricky is going through, she

Monday, October 28, 2019

Twelfth Night Lit Analysis Essay Example for Free

Twelfth Night Lit Analysis Essay â€Å"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination† – Albert Einstein. This cannot be more true in the case of William Shakespeare. In regards to his play Twelfth Night his creative genius is seen in his ability to create sharp and clever characters through perfectly crafted plots and themes. His aptitude to generate characters that goes against the dictate of society such as Viola and Maria marks him as one of the greatest playwrights of his age. However, his facilities as a writer are made known through his ability to twist and manipulate words and language to his own benefit. Shakespeare’s play on words and witty language serves to entertain his audience in the most complete sense possible. He does this throughout the entire play, but when discussing his use of language the character of Feste must be considered, especially since he may be regarded as Shakespeare’s mouth piece. As it will be discussed Shakespeare’s intellect is not shown in his ability to create carefully crafted plots and his magnetic writing style but his innovation in creating a world of words and enigmatic characters. Viola maybe considered the main character of the play, her character is sly and cunning. Shakespeare’s treatment of her is nothing short of utter brilliance. Viola’s ability to adapt to her surroundings and produce sharp comments in little space of time shows her as one of the most clever characters. She comes up with this almost impractical idea to masquerade as man and the fact that she gets the sea captain to agree with it shows her persuasiveness and boldness. Not only that but her plan panned out for a full three months- as stated by Duke Orsino â€Å"Three months this youth hath tended upon me† ( act 5, scene 1)- without no one being none the wiser. It is in her disguise that we see her true intelligence and witty disposition. Also her language and her delivery of it shows her impudent nature. OLIVIA Stay: I prithee, tell me what thou thinkest of me. VIOLA That you do think you are not what you are. OLIVIA If I think so, I think the same of you. VIOLA Then think you right: I am not what I am This conversation shows her ability to make quick retorts and while she does this she hints at her deception with the truthfulness of the last line, without Olivia letting on. In doing so it is revealed just how crafty she is. Her character truly does mirror Shakespeare’s ingenious mind. Similarly the brazen character of Maria demonstrates Shakespeare’s aptitude to create clever characters. Like Viola who comes up with an idea for her own benefit although somewhat necessary, Maria concocts this scheme against Malvolio to let him think Olivia confesses her love for him in the form of a letter. She uses his own ambition against him and makes him out to be a madman that at one point even he is tempted to believe, even though he maintains he is quite sane. Even though it was said to be in jest, some might look upon it as a cruel act as Malvolio was not deserving of this type of treatment. Nevertheless she is a witty character that Shakespeare uses to highlight the brillianc e and strong character of women. In addition Shakespeare produces a masterpiece out of his work Twelfth Night through his hilarious playful language. The character that Shakespeare uses most to do this is Feste and Shakespeare does this because the character or role of Feste allows him to get away comments and retorts that others might not have. An instance of this is his conversation with Olivia wherein he calls her a fool for mourning her brother for seven years and all the more fool for mourning if she believes his soul is in heaven. â€Å"The more fool, madonna, to mourn for your brothers soul being in heaven. Take away the fool, gentlemen† this line not only serves to give immense joy and laughter for the audience but highlights the privileges given to an Elizabethan jester for saying such things without recompense. This humorous language is also seen with Feste’s play with words; â€Å"No such matter, sir. I do live by the church for I do live at my house, and my house doth stand by the church† Feste plays with words and relates them with so much zeal that the audience cannot help but be amused. It is also seen with the lines â€Å"why sir her name is a word, and to dally with that word might make my sister wanton. But indeed, words are very rascals, since bonds disgraced them† It is because of this that he calls himself â€Å"corrupter of words† and in this we see the instability of language. It is not only Feste that gets the audience to laugh because of humorous language. Sir Andrew also does this, although his misrepresentation of words is unintentional. His incompetence with language and misuse of words provide comic relief for the audience. â€Å"What is pourquoi? Do or do not do? I would I had bestowed that time in the tongues that I have in fencing, dancing and bear-baiting: O, had I but followed the arts!† the silliness of it all functions to heighten the dramatic appeal of the play and increase audience’s pleasure. The humorous and playful language of the play lets our imagination roam free and that alone shows Shakespeare’s astounding creativity. In conclusion it can be said that William Shakespeare is truly a mastermind with his wild imagination in creating witty and crafty characters and his ingenious use of language torments the audience with laughter and amusement. Fabian’s line â€Å" If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction† shows that Shakespeare is aware of the plays’ unlikely disparities but nevertheless his skill makes it truly a work of art. WOLMERS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Literatures in English Unit 1: Module: 1 Christina Thompson L6H1 November 19, 2012 Question ‘Shakespeare’s creative genius is demonstrated by his witty characterization and humorous language’ Discuss the extent to which this is a fair assessment of the comedy Twelfth Night. REFERENCES

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * */ /** * @author sharonim * */ public class CarRadio { private StationData data; private boolean power; private int frequency; private String bandAMFM; private int volume; private boolean mute; private boolean set; private int[] AMpreset; private int[] FMpreset; public static final int Vol_min = 0; public static final int Vol_max = 20; public CarRadio(StationData d){ = d; this.power = false; this.frequency = FreqBand.AM.minFreq(); this.bandAMFM = "AM"; this.volume = 0; this.mute = false; this.set = false; this.AMpreset = new int[5]; this.FMpreset = new int[5]; Arrays.fill(FMpreset, FreqBand.FM.minFreq()); Arrays.fill(AMpreset, FreqBand.AM.minFreq()); } public void powerBtn(){ if(this.power == false){ this.power = true; } else{ this.power = false; } clear(); } public void volumeUpBtn(){ if(this.power == true){ if(this.volume == Vol_max){ return; } else{ this.volume++; } } else{ return; } } public void volumeDownBtn(){ if(this.power == true){ if(this.volume == Vol_min){ return; } else{ this.volume--; } } else{ return; } } public void muteBtn(){ if(this.power == true){ if(this.mute == false){ this.mute = true; } else{ this.mute = false; } } else{ return; } } public void amfmBtn(){ if(this.power == true){ clear(); if(this.bandAMFM == "AM"){ this.bandAMFM = "FM"; this.frequency = FreqBand.FM.minFreq(); } else{ this.bandAMFM = "AM"; this.frequency = FreqBand.AM.minFreq(); } } } public void tuneUpBtn(){ if(this.power == true){ clea... ... == true){ if(this.set == true){ setPreset(3); clear(); } else{ usePreset(3); clear(); } } else{ return; } } public void preset5Btn(){ if(this.power == true){ if(this.set == true){ setPreset(4); clear(); } else{ usePreset(4); clear(); } } else{ return; } } public ArrayList display(){ ArrayList output = new ArrayList(); output.add("Power: " + power); output.add("Band: "+ bandAMFM); output.add("Frequency: " + frequency); output.add("Volume: " + volume); output.add("Mute: " + mute); output.add("FM Preset: " + FMpreset[0] + " " + FMpreset[1] + " " + FMpreset[2] + " " + FMpreset[3] + " " + FMpreset[4]); output.add("AM Preset: " + AMpreset[0] + " " + AMpreset[1] + " " + AMpreset[2] + " " + AMpreset[3] + " " + AMpreset[4]); return output; } }

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nivea for Men: Developing a Marketing Plan Answer Sheet Essay

1. What is the difference between product range and product mix? The product range are the different types of products from one particular category e.g. drinks orange, lemonade, raspberry, whereas product mix are the different categories of product that are sold e.g. drinks, sandwiches, fruit etc 2. How would the increase in marketing awareness affect Nivea s day to day operations? More staff, more sales, more products needed, extra deliveries, more staff, more room for storage. 3. Why is the FHM Grooming Award a good thing for Nivea? FHM has a large readership level, the majority of readers care about their appearance and therefore Nivea may benefit from extra sales due to its recognition of enhancing appearance. 4. Why is it important for Nivea to identify a market segment? It can develop strategies for specific people, save money and have a higher success rate. 5. Above-the-line and Below-the-line promotion are prominent with Nivea. Why is this important? So that Nivea can get their message across to the masses through the various media and also build affinity and relationships with it customers and potential customers. 6. What was the male skincare products market worth in 2008? Male skincare products were worth  £117m 7. In 1998 annual sales of skincare products were worth  £68m. In 2008 they are now worth  £117m. What is the percentage increase in annual sales? 172% (117 / 68) X 100 8. What is the percentage increase in male facial products?  £7.3m to  £49m = 49/ 7.3 X100 = 671% 9. Why are marketing plans used? A marketing plan is used to identify, anticipate and satisfy consumers need. If a marketing plan is used, the business will know what the consumer wants, and will sell appropriate products which will increase revenue for the business. 10. Give 2 marketing aims that Nivea may want to achieve? Increase the sales of male skincare products in the UK. Develop its range of products for the UK market. 11. Using the case study, highlight how the SWOT analysis could  be used for Nivea. Nivea could use the SWOT analysis in order to assess its Strengths and Weaknesses within the business. This would allow management to address its weaknesses and exploit its strengths. This would be the opinions of the management and staff. It could also assess the Opportunities and Threats in terms of where the market is going with skincare for men and exploit it. They would also be aware of potential threats in terms of competition, laws and attitudes. 12. How has Nivea used promotion to enhance the awareness of the brand? Nivea has used both Above the line and Below the line promotion using the media, sponsorship of sports teams and winning awards from target market magazines.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Linking Aristotle’s virtue with character Essay

Aristotle’s virtue ethics is often considered to be founded on character such that an individual’s character defines his or her virtues. It is important to note that Aristotle gives emphasis to the idea that virtue is acquired through habit. In this regard, it can be presumed that there is a connection between character and virtue in the context of Aristotle’s philosophy. This is especially interesting to look into precisely because human beings think and act at least in terms of one’s consciousness or idea of ethics, specifically through one’s moral precepts. If it is indeed true that individuals think and act in ways related to one’s moral inclinations in their daily lives, then it is a strong reason to contend that virtue and character are all the more important elements in the life of humanity. The point that I would like to raise—and agree with Aristotle—is the idea that our ‘habits’, the way in which we do things on a regular basis, form a large sum—if not all—of our character. And since character builds our very virtues, it can be presumed that the things that we do on a regular basis define our virtues. That is, if we continue to harbor the ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ elements in the society, then it is most likely the case that our character develops into something ‘bad’ or ‘evil’. In the end, there will be little or no room for us to acquire virtues. The task of this assignment is to identify what is the connection between character and virtue in the context of Aristotle by providing Aristotle’s description of how we acquire virtues and why choice is an important component of these virtues. In the Book III of Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, I found out that one basic notion in Aristotelian ethics that occupies a central significance is Aristotle’s belief in the role of man’s activities in order for one to acquire ethical knowledge. That is, for one to become virtuous or to obtain virtues one should not merely confine himself to mere studying of these virtues but rather one should, more importantly, actualize this knowledge of the virtues. Thus, for one to become good, one should do good. I also found out in the same work of Aristotle the â€Å"doctrine of the mean†. The essence of this doctrine dwells on the basic precept that one ought to avoid the extremes and, instead, settle for the â€Å"mean†. The actions of men, more specifically, ought to be framed upon the â€Å"mean† which is the virtue. For example, the virtue of courage rests on the mean between two extremes: cowardice or the â€Å"lack† of courage, and rashness or the â€Å"excess† in courage. All of these things answer the central question being asked, specifically the identification of the connection between virtue and character. For the most part, the thought of the acquisition of virtue requires a form of a ‘good’ act which, when constantly repeated or enacted on a regular basis, forms the character of the individual. The individual should not only be inclined towards a theoretical understanding of these good acts but should also be inclined to enacting them, of living them on purpose and free will. It is not enough that the individual should simply live the theoretical perspectives of doing good acts for it does not suffice to forming the character of the individual. Moreover, these ‘good’ acts are founded on the principle of the â€Å"mean† wherein the individual is supposed to be acting not within the extremes but between these extremes because they are the ‘evils’. Hence, character is connected to virtue through one’s good—or â€Å"middle†Ã¢â‚¬â€actions performed habitually. I figured out that Aristotle implies the idea that man is indeed a social being in the sense that one cannot sufficiently do ‘good’ without the presence of other people. That is, without other people to whom our ‘good’ deeds will be enacted to, our actions may hardly be conceived as ‘good’ in the first place precisely because we may only be helpful if there are people to help, we may only be kind if there are people to whom we will be kind, or we may only be loving if there are other people to love just to name a few. Of course, my thoughts may be unacceptable to other people for they may also have their own thoughts about the ethics of Aristotle. But more to this, I figured out that those people who surround us have a large role in the formation of our character. Social isolation does not give room for the moral development of an individual. On the other hand, I have arrived at a question concerning Aristotle’s virtue ethics, especially with his doctrine of the mean. Exactly how are we to know when we are acting in the middle such that we avert from the extremes or the vices? Granted that we may be able to identify the vices that we should avoid, when can we say that we are truly in the middle path? How can too much ‘knowledge’ be a vice or an evil when Aristotle gives a substantial account and importance to knowledge? While there may still a handful of questions that may have been left untouched, it can hardly be doubted that our actions share a significant role in defining our characters as human beings. Whether or not an individual believes in virtue ethics or in morality in general, it remains a fact that our actions have consequences to us and to other people. Reference Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. Martin Ostwald. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1962.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on State Of Nature Of 1500 - 1900 Century Philosphers

The â€Å"state of nature† of human beings was the focal point for many of the 1500th –1900th century philosophers. Many of these philosophers attempted to understand and describe humans in this original condition. One of the most intriguing aspects of man was the concept of human interaction as it pertained to cooperation and competition. Theories, hypothesizes, and explanations were plentiful and very diverse. As the various facets of man were studied, the exchange of ideas and information regarding human interaction created a variety of new philosophies. Each of the philosophers contributed their perspective to the pool of ideas and broadened the scope of understanding of how the â€Å"state of nature† influenced and helped individuals manage and run society. Throughout this process of understanding, many philosophers introduced ideas and concepts that influenced our culture and society. First, Thomas Hobbes identified that humans were in continual war with "every man, against every man". A time of "no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".1 Because man’s natural state is so debased, Hobbes applied a authoritarian view of social contract. He deemed that a social contract was required to keep peace and order. He was the first modern theorist to agree for absolute power of government. In an effort to resolve this, he argued that humans would agreed to cooperate for survival, by agreeing to surrender some freedom in return for stability. He wanted to create a social contract with a large group that would abide the laws of government. Thus, Hobbes believed that the government should take the form of monarchy, not a democracy. This form of government still exists in countries today. The theoretical construct was based in absolute mate rialism. Hobbes thought matter was all that existed. Men w... Free Essays on State Of Nature Of 1500 - 1900 Century Philosphers Free Essays on State Of Nature Of 1500 - 1900 Century Philosphers The â€Å"state of nature† of human beings was the focal point for many of the 1500th –1900th century philosophers. Many of these philosophers attempted to understand and describe humans in this original condition. One of the most intriguing aspects of man was the concept of human interaction as it pertained to cooperation and competition. Theories, hypothesizes, and explanations were plentiful and very diverse. As the various facets of man were studied, the exchange of ideas and information regarding human interaction created a variety of new philosophies. Each of the philosophers contributed their perspective to the pool of ideas and broadened the scope of understanding of how the â€Å"state of nature† influenced and helped individuals manage and run society. Throughout this process of understanding, many philosophers introduced ideas and concepts that influenced our culture and society. First, Thomas Hobbes identified that humans were in continual war with "every man, against every man". A time of "no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short".1 Because man’s natural state is so debased, Hobbes applied a authoritarian view of social contract. He deemed that a social contract was required to keep peace and order. He was the first modern theorist to agree for absolute power of government. In an effort to resolve this, he argued that humans would agreed to cooperate for survival, by agreeing to surrender some freedom in return for stability. He wanted to create a social contract with a large group that would abide the laws of government. Thus, Hobbes believed that the government should take the form of monarchy, not a democracy. This form of government still exists in countries today. The theoretical construct was based in absolute mate rialism. Hobbes thought matter was all that existed. Men w...

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Language essays

American Language essays In the beginning, this country wpot. Many different people, from many different countries, of many differas a melting ent ethnic groups, speaking in many different tongues came to America. English arose as the predominant language of the United States. Over time, people realized the importance of staying in touch with their cultural backgrounds, including the language of their native countries. The main problem presented now lies in communication and interaction with each other. It is obvious that miscommunication causes problems. An English Only law will unite Americans and give them all a common ground on which to communicate. It will diminish racial conflicts, as well as encourage immigrants to become involved in the U.S. society and become successful. It will also improve the efficiency of government operations. Declaring English as the official language of the United States will resolve current issues and prevent problems in the future. The biggest and most obvious problem with speaking many different languages in one united country is communication. Many immigrants do not learn English at all. In fact, 213 different languages are spoken in the United States, and approximately 10 million U.S. residents do not speak fluent English (English Only 3). Some immigrants gradually pick up the language, but do not learn enough to bridge the communication gaps between themselves and the government. Even everyday communication creates tension. For example, when I go to my college library and ask for help finding information, some of the library aides speak broken English that is difficult to decipher. The hired library aides have trouble understanding what I am trying to find and I have trouble understanding them when they try to help me out. It is a very frustrating situation for both the aides and me. Along with communication difficulties, the language barrier among immigrants contributes to r...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Send AP Scores to Colleges

How to Send AP Scores to Colleges SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've taken AP exams, you might be wondering how to send AP scores to colleges. How do you ensure that colleges get your AP scores? Is it possible to send official AP score reports? Here, we give you a complete guide that goes over how to send AP scores, which colleges want to see these scores with your applications, and how you can save money on sending scores. Do You Need Official AP Score Reports for Your Applications? First off,do colleges want the official AP score report when you're applying,or is it just for the purpose of verifying scores once you've enrolled? This is important to know before you spend any money to send your scores. Turns out, AP scores often appear on your high school transcript.Ask your guidance counselor whether your school includes AP scores on its transcripts or not. Furthermore, there is a place on the Common Application where you can self-report your AP scores. Given this information, and by looking at college websites and contacting admissions offices, we’ve learned that most colleges want applicants to self-report AP scores on their applications,and only send in an official report once they've committed to attending. This means you’ll only submit one official AP score report in your life, once you’ve chosen the college you want to go to. Here's what a Harvard admissions representative said when we called their office: "For the application we need at least one official report for the SAT or ACT. If you take the SAT Subject Tests, you should send one as well ... For AP tests, you can self-report your scores." Stanford and MIT said the same thing as well. Princeton puts this policy directly on their website: "We recommend that you self-report all of your AP or IB scores on your application. You must submit your SAT and/or ACT scores to Princeton directly from the testing firms." Yale has a similar policyon its website: "If you have Advanced Placement (AP) scores, we recommend that you self-report them in the space provided in the testing section of the Common Application, Coalition Application, or QuestBridge National College Match Application." Don’t confuse sending AP scores with sending SAT/ACT scores- those scores have to be sent for admission directly from the testing agency (the College Board or ACT, Inc., respectively). Exception: Schools With Flexible Standardized Testing Policies Although most colleges don't require AP scores and prefer applicants to self-report any scores they have on their applications, there is an exception to this ifyou're applying to a college that has a flexible standardized test policy.For example, if you're applying to NYU, you can submitthree AP test scores in place of the SAT/ACT for admission. If you're submitting AP scores as your standardized test scores, they must be on an official score report or on a report by a school official.In other words, you can't just self-report your scores. Therefore, if you’re a senior looking to send AP scores to your chosen college, or if you’re applying to a school that has a flexible-testing policy, such as NYU, you’ll need to know how to send scores. Keep reading to learn how! You can use your AP scores, instead of the ACT or SAT, to apply to NYU. How to Send AP Scores Using Your AP Answer Sheet Every year you take AP Exams, you have the opportunity to send one free AP score report. You do this by entering the four-digit code of the college, university, or scholarship program on your AP answer sheet. (Your AP Booklet will include an index with codes for most colleges and universities, but you can also look up codes here.)This is a great way to get all your AP scores sent during your senior year to the college you’ve chosen to attend, free of charge! I called the College Board and confirmed that when you use this service, it sends allAP scores you have ever gotten and not just that year’s scores. If you're a senior, you will have made your college choice by the time of AP exams(the reply deadline is May 1, and AP exams are held the first two weeks of May), so go ahead and send your scores to your future school. You can send these free scores if you want during your freshman, sophomore, and/or junior year, but keep in mind that it’s not really necessary to do this since you’ll be self-reporting your AP scores on your college applications anyway. Furthermore, I strongly recommend not sending your AP scores to your dream/reach schools when you're a freshman, sophomore, or juniorfor the same reason I'm hesitant about sending the free ACT/SAT score reports- you're sending your scores blind, and you don't want to send bad ones! Although one bad AP score isn’t exactly going to ruin your college admission chances, I think it’s safer to wait and report AP scores on your actual application. If you're a freshman, sophomore, or junior, just focus on doing well on the AP tests- not sending scores. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How to Order AP Score Reports Online, Anytime If you forget to use the free score report option your senior year, or if you’re sending AP scores for an application, follow the steps below to learn how to send scores online at any point in the year. First,log in to your College Board account to view and send your AP scores. On the first page after you log in, click on the "Send Scores to Colleges Now" button to get started. Your scores are right below this, organized by year. Look up the college (or colleges) you're sending scores to, pay the fee, and then receive a confirmation and expected delivery date. The fee for standard delivery of AP score reports is $15 per report, andthe fee for rush delivery is $25 per report. Standard delivery takes about seven to 14 business days, while rush delivery takes approximately five to nine business days. Standard delivery should be just finesince you are most likely sending these senior year in time for your registrar’s office to receive them before classes start your freshman year of college. Check with your college’s registrar to get the deadline for submitting AP scores. If you're submitting AP scores for college applications, be mindful of deadlines so you can send your scores using standard delivery and save some money. Note that since June/July is a busy time for score reports, orders placed between June 15, 2018, and July 2, 2018, won't be processed and sent until July 3. To make up for this, these reports will be processed on July 3 as rush delivery but will cost the cheaper standard delivery fee ($15). If you're a senior, check your college's deadline for receipt of AP scores for credit and placement to make sure that your scores will arrive on time given the June/July score crunch. Additional Ways to Order AP Score Reports If you can't order AP score reports online for some reason, you may instead submit a request to the College Board by either mail or fax. #1: By Mail To order AP score reports by mail,submit a written, signed request with your payment method. Your request should include the following information: Your full name You mailing address Your phone number Your sex You date of birth AP number(s) Your Social Security number (if you provided it on your answer sheet) Name and address of your high school Full name(s) of the AP exam(s) for which you're sending scores Year(s) you took the AP exam(s) Credit card number with expiration date, check, or money order Name, city, state, and four-digit code(s) for the college(s) you're sending AP scores to You'll then mail the request to the following address: AP ServicesPO Box 6671Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 #2: By Fax If you'd rather order AP scores by fax,submit a signed, written request that includes all the information listed above to the AP Services fax number:610-290-8979. You must also include your credit card number and expiration date in your request. 2 Other AP Score Report Options You have a couple of additional options you can use if you don't want to send one or more of your AP scores. #1: AP Score Withholding You can withhold one or more AP scores from any college you're sending AP scores to. This is a helpful solution if you have a bunch of 4s and 5s but also a 2 you're embarrassed about. It costs $10 per score per college to withhold a score.You have tomail an official request to the College Boardto take advantage of this option. The score you choose to withhold won't be included on any future AP score reports sent to that college,and it won't be deleted from your records. You can later release the score to that college (if desired) by sending AP Services a signed written request. Note that it won't cost you any extra money to release a withheld score. Is this option worth it, though? Not if you’re sending your AP scores to a college you’ve already gotten into. By the time you’ve gotten accepted, that school is probably more concerned with the tests you passed and aren’t going to kick you out just because you have some lower AP scores. However, if you’re applying to a school with a flexible standardized test policy and only want them to see your top scores, this might be a good option for you. Especially since these schools often only require a few AP scores, it would be fine to leave off any lower scores you have so you can present your best case for admission. #2: AP Score Cancellation It's also possible to completely cancel an AP score. Canceling an AP test score deletes it forever. You can cancel an AP exam at any time, but you have to cancel by June 15 the year you take the AP test to prevent it from showing up on the score report being sent to the college you designated on your AP answer sheet. While canceling technically doesn't cost any money, you're losing the money you spent to take the exam. Our advice? Don’t go through the hassle of canceling a score if you’re just submitting your AP score report to your chosen college. Again, they’re not going to revoke your admission thanks to one low AP score. You can make your own call on this if you have a low score (1 or 2) you don’t want a college to see, and you’re submitting a score report for an application. That said,colleges generally want to see that you’ve taken the AP exam after taking an AP class. Withholding might be the better option since you’ll still have access to that test score in case you decide you want to keep it. Finally,never, ever delete a score of 3 or higher! Don't just assume that no place will accept your 3. The truth is that many colleges accept scores of 3 or higher on AP exams. And since you don’t know how the college admissions process will shake out for you until senior year, you might regret hastily deleting a 3 you could have used for credit! What’s Next? Taking AP exams is great, but did you know many colleges look for SAT Subject Tests as well? Get a complete list of colleges that require SAT subject tests for admission here. Have you taken the SAT or ACT yet? Happy with your score? Learn what a good or bad ACT/SAT score looks like at your top schools. Will taking AP classes help you get into Harvard? Maybe- but they’re not the only component you need. Get an in-depth guide for getting into the nation’s top schools by our resident SAT full scorer and PrepScholar co-founder, Allen Cheng. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

John smith 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

John smith 3 - Essay Example His return to England and his later years still in England after unsuccessful attempts to return to America. He published books that talked about his time abroad and pushed for imperialism and colonization of New England. He died in London in June 21, 1631. The website uses a photograph of John Smith, direct links and related videos to other people John Smith interacted with such as Powhatan and Pocahontas of whom he met in the Jamestown settlement. It also posts some of the works John Smith published and the years published. The site is interactive as it allows the reader to correct any inaccurate information by sharing it with the site. It allows readers to share the link of any story to provided social sites e.g. Google +, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Information can also be printed from the site, and the reader can cite information from the page with three styles of citing already provided for the reader to use; APA, Harvard, and MLA (John, n.pag). The website provides useful and accurate information about John Smith; it also point out some details where there is no surety of information is not clear or confirmed since John Smith tended to lie about his exploits. There are no biases in the way information was presented in the site; the site tries to be as accurate and as informative as it could (John, n.pag). The impressive thing about the site is that it gives summarized information about John Smith. It does not really specify how the information was found hence the need to contact them in case of inaccuracy and unfairness in the site for example, the year John Smith was born is also given as around 1579 or 1580, which seems

Friday, October 18, 2019

Courage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Courage - Essay Example The average person derives an image of a superhero when thinking about courage. However, that a limited view of what courage means. This is because it can be applied to so many other aspects of life. The second half of the definition in regards to negative forces is what allows for individual perspective on the word. For example, courage can pertain to a person stopping a gunman from shooting another victim despite the immense danger he or she faces in possibly getting maimed or dying in the process. On the other hand, courage can be reflected in the depths of an individual who recently became crippled and has to face the pain, difficulty and fear of starting life in a new way with new challenges. Both situations involve a form of evil to some extent and to be courageous is appropriately applied to the people involved. The situation also does not have to be a severe one that radically changes peoples’ lives. There is no indication in the definition of courage that there has to be a big or massive negative situation that happens to someone for it to maintain its context. Courage can be applied to as little a situation as giving a successful speech in front of a classroom of students or having the courage to try something new whether it is a type of food or a physical activity. The definition is also not limited to who can have courage. The definition does not state that a particular kind of person can achieve this mental state. This is where it gets tricky. The definition does not say who can have courage, but does that mean an animal can? Can a dog have courage? Most would agree that animals or people who do not have a clear understanding of the term courage cannot be courageous. However, if you go by the actual definition, it fails to decipher whether having courage is a human attribute or not. The fact is that that courage is a feat attributed to a mental or emotionally state of mind. Courage is then taken on and assigned to an individual based on his or her performance during a physical or outward activity that is negative in some fashion. A person cannot have courage in face of something that is not difficult or terrifying on some level. Works Cited "courage." Merriam-Webster. 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"fear.† Merriam-Webster. 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2011 http://www.merriam- â€Å"difficulty.† Merriam-Webster

Political Potential of Citizen Journalism Essay

Political Potential of Citizen Journalism - Essay Example In such circumstances when reporting from the place affected by crisis becomes valuable and essential, those who earlier were simple observers take roles of journalists with the help of modern technologies. It makes professional journalists face a serious question about the future of their profession as information is becoming more available and easier to generate. A possibility to disseminate news within a click of a mouse is turning the whole process of information production into a tool of political influence and democracy establishment, and historical events in Eastern Europe and in Arab countries can serve as bright examples of the statement.   However, it is necessary to define what the concept of citizen journalism means as it has appeared quite recently and is still shaping. According to Bowman and Willis, citizen journalism is defined as the media content produced by citizens who take an active role in â€Å"collecting, reporting, and analyzing information and news† (2003, 9). Reasonably, it is the Internet that has played a crucial role in emerging citizen journalist phenomenon. Moreover, technological evolution and fast spread of innovations were important for accidental journalism emergence. A great variety of devices that are charged and plugged rapidly and connected to the Internet within seconds permitted almost every citizen to create some content from posts on Facebook to videos on YouTube. It allowed many people sharing their information instantly and also gave a chance to find the right auditory for this information. And the combination of these two factors: instant and relevant content and those wh o consume it was the primary factor in the phenomenon emergence (Bruns, 2005, 1).   The appearance of citizen journalism is closely connected to the introduction of digital culture.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

First modern decade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

First modern decade - Essay Example ty of New York, Woodrow Wilson from the Democratic party of New Jersey, William H Taft from the Republican party of Ohio and Eugene V Debs from the socialist party from Indiana. In the election process held in the year 1912 Woodrow Wilson won and was elected as the President of United States. Roosevelt was previously working for the Republican Party however after getting detached from the Republican he formed is owns party the Progressive. According to Roosevelt there was no initiative taken by the political members regarding progress hence he challenged Taft was the candidate of his former party, the Republican. The election was conducted with majority contenders Wilson and Roosevelt. Taft was never a challenge for Roosevelt. The major issues during the election included trust, tariffs and women. Both Roosevelt and Wilson had different opinion regarding these issues. Wilson mainly focused on the short term issues like price rise and trust of people by reducing monopoly of industries. These concerns were taken care of after Wilson won the election. The main reason behind his winning was his democratic party which got elected for the very first time leading to positive expectation in people. On the other hand Roosevelt mostly considered on the long term issues like women empowerment and he partially supported tariffs because it was beneficiary for wage labors. Roosevelt’s major concern was women empowerment because he knew that his country can be developed all over only by providing equal rights to women so that there could be a social balance in the society and this was the place from where the modern society emerged. Despite of these issues Wilson won the election with 42% of the popular vote (Fer guson 64). Roosevelt definitely had very strong opinions and he was able to form good campaigning and won the election with 27% votes. The long term significance of this election was the mode of approach to people by the four candidates. All the candidates spoke for a

The impact of Oil price changes on the Gulf Council Countries (GCC) Dissertation

The impact of Oil price changes on the Gulf Council Countries (GCC) stock markets - Dissertation Example The author has rightly presented that energy is one of the most important factors of global economy. A country, which has enough sources of energy, can be one of the richest countries of the world. At present oil is the primary and most used sources of energy in world. Gulf countries are the major sources of oil, so their economy is one of the strongest in the world. The changes of the world economy majorly depend on the changes of oil prices. When the oil price increases, then the manufacturers around the world has to incur more cost in the manufacturing process. The cost of transportation also increases. Because of the increment in the operating cost, the profit of the company decreases. A country’s economy mostly depends on the performance of the companies. When the performance of the company decreases that is the profit of the company decreases, then the economy of the country also get affected. The foreign investors also feel less attracted for the economy of the oil impo rting country. The investors feel that if they invest that amount of money elsewhere then they can generate more return as the efficiency of the oil importing countries have been decreased due to the oil price hike. However, it is also a fact that the present era is the era of globalization. In this era of globalization, the economy of one country has certain effect to the economy of other country. As the oil price hikes so, the country, which imports oil from some other country, found problem in manufacturing. They have the problem in the manufacturing of the products, which are the need of the oil exporting countries. (Aliyu, pp. 8-9). The product price will also be high. The inflation increases and the price of the goods and services increases. The value of the currency comes down for the oil importing countries. For the oil exporting countries the price of goods, which they have to import from any other country increases. Though they make huge profit by exporting oil to other co untries, they also have to pay more than the normal for the goods they import from the other countries. The oil price hike does not only increase inflation, but also it affects other macro economical factors like gross domestic product, unemployment rate of the country. As the productivity of the companies decrease due to the hike of oil prices, the gross domestic product of the country also decreases (OECD, pp.5-6). As the productivity of the companies decreases, the unemployment rate also increases. If the productivity of the company decreases and the unemployment rate increases, the economy would suffer huge blow. The capital inflow in the market would decrease. The stock market of the countries would have less capital flow and the market indices will be down, as it was in the case of the global recession of 2007-2010. In the era of globalization, when the stock market of one country depends on the performance of the performance of the stock market of some other country, then the stock market of the richest countries even get affected. This happens in case of the gulf Council Countries also. The gulf council countries are consisting of Qatar, Baharin, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait. All are the countries from Middle East. The countries of the Middle East are one of the largest oil producing countries (International Monetary Fund, â€Å"The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on the Global Economy†). Though they get benefit from the price hike of oil, their stock market also get affect from the events. Objective of the Project The objective of the study is to examine the effect on the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

First modern decade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

First modern decade - Essay Example ty of New York, Woodrow Wilson from the Democratic party of New Jersey, William H Taft from the Republican party of Ohio and Eugene V Debs from the socialist party from Indiana. In the election process held in the year 1912 Woodrow Wilson won and was elected as the President of United States. Roosevelt was previously working for the Republican Party however after getting detached from the Republican he formed is owns party the Progressive. According to Roosevelt there was no initiative taken by the political members regarding progress hence he challenged Taft was the candidate of his former party, the Republican. The election was conducted with majority contenders Wilson and Roosevelt. Taft was never a challenge for Roosevelt. The major issues during the election included trust, tariffs and women. Both Roosevelt and Wilson had different opinion regarding these issues. Wilson mainly focused on the short term issues like price rise and trust of people by reducing monopoly of industries. These concerns were taken care of after Wilson won the election. The main reason behind his winning was his democratic party which got elected for the very first time leading to positive expectation in people. On the other hand Roosevelt mostly considered on the long term issues like women empowerment and he partially supported tariffs because it was beneficiary for wage labors. Roosevelt’s major concern was women empowerment because he knew that his country can be developed all over only by providing equal rights to women so that there could be a social balance in the society and this was the place from where the modern society emerged. Despite of these issues Wilson won the election with 42% of the popular vote (Fer guson 64). Roosevelt definitely had very strong opinions and he was able to form good campaigning and won the election with 27% votes. The long term significance of this election was the mode of approach to people by the four candidates. All the candidates spoke for a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Visual perception issues involved in traffic accidents Essay

Visual perception issues involved in traffic accidents - Essay Example The sense is so well adapted to its purpose that we normally assume that what we perceive are the actual objects (Calvert, 2000) Eyes are the gateway through which electromagnetic radiation from our surroundings enters the visual system, exciting a flood of information from the distorted, two-dimensional image cast upon the sensitive cells of the retina. Most of vision takes place in the brain, and this begins in the retina, where the signals from neighboring receivers are compared and a coded message dispatched on the optic nerves to the occipital cortex, behind the ears, where the information is formatted and made available to the processing activities of the brain. The eye is essentially a motion detector, its original purpose when eyes began to evolve from light-sensitive pits in the pre-Cambrian (Calvert, 2000). The act of seeing starts when visual stimuli pass sequentially through the eyes' optics, which are responsible for forming the retinal image; the photoreceptors, which sample and transduce the image into neural signals; and two to four retinal neurons, which transform and transmit those signals to the optic nerve and eventually to the central visual pathways. Considerable information is lost in these early stages of the process as evidenced by the close correspondence between the filtering properties of the optics and receptors, and some measures of visual sensitivity (Granrud, 1993) Visual perception & Traffic accidents On the roads of the USA 41,821 individuals were killed and 3.2 million injured during the year 2000. Given the high prevalence of automobile collisions, plenty of research has been conducted to understand the probable causes of such high rate of accidents. Such reports link errors in perception and decision-making as the premier probable cause of the majority of these accidents (Gray, 2004). Sensing the movements of the world and the objects within it is the fundamental job for the visual system. Tasks such as driving a fast car down the freeway require a good sense of the movements of the driver and other objects on the road ahead (Snowden & Freeman, 2004). To sense such movements require what is known as "motion adaptation," which is a change in the motion-detecting cells in the brain that is produced by staring too long at moving objects (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Research shows that motion adaptation, even though a very common situation, can put a driver at high risk for rear-end collisions. When a driver stares at an empty straight road for too long, it causes a change in his motion detecting brain-cells, leading to motion adaptation (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Keeping one's eyes on the highway ahead may actually present a danger because the brain plays tricks on drivers. These tricks of the brain mean that drivers on the open road often get too close to other cars before passing (Belchak, 2001). Motion adaptation can have detrimental effects while the driver tries to overtake another vehicle, all the while focusing intently on the road ahead. Studies show that drivers started passing cars a fraction of a second later after driving five minutes on a straight empty highway than when they drove on a winding country road. This suggests that drivers over-estimate the time they need to pass safely whilst driving faster (Gugliotta & Stein, 2001). Psychologists say that focusing in the road in front of the car for too long can be hazardous due to motion adaptat

Monday, October 14, 2019

Image of Nurses in the Media Essay Example for Free

Image of Nurses in the Media Essay The image of nursing as portrayed by the media swings like a pendulum in between negative and positive attributes. However, most times, the portrayal is more on the negative side. Most nurses will readily agree to the fact that the way the media paints the profession is way beyond what they believe in or practice. Indeed, it falls short of fair and truthful image. In as much as all other media- newspaper, TV ,Radio, Internet services e.t.c are to an extent guilty of this same negative depiction of nurses, Hollywood paints the worst pictures and theirs greatly mold the public opinion and view of nursing as pictures don’t need million words to be captivating! These stereotypes about nursing are largely planted and nurtured by Hollywood shows and spread throughout the world. As far back as 1932, Hollywood in its film â€Å"A farewell to Arms† depicted nursing as having no security and autonomy. The chief nurse in the film was shown as being weak, helpless and reluctant to fight for a nurse who was dismissed because a surgeon believed that she was a distraction to his ambulance driver. In other words, physicians dictate what happens in nursing. With that coward perspective, many nurses entered into the profession answering ‘yes doctor’ to all orders without any question. Nurses are then at the receiving end of Doctors’ and patients’ bullying. In more recent times, nursing is still depicted as being reserved for those who are not able to make it to college or medical schools. This is seen in the movies like House, Gracie, Grey’ anatomy, Akeelah the bee and others. Nurses were either seen idling, rattling, bemoaning their fate or submissively stupid leaving the physicians with all the decisions and care of their patients. Also in ‘Akeelah and the Bee’ (2006), nurses were portrayed as those needing attitudinal changes. Tanya in the film is a nurse but seen very angry all the time, not encouraging her daughter and smoking in a house that harbors kids. The message sent across is either that nurses don’t practice wha t they preach or they are so dumb to know the medical implications of such behaviors. Moreover, it was also said that Tanya settled to be a nurse after dropping out of college. Implicitly, one does not need a college education to be a nurse. Such deduction was seen in the film ‘Blue Valentine 2008’. In another film ‘Million Dollar Baby’, nurses were pointed out as ‘amateurs’ who sole rely on physicians orders in maintaining health and that was aptly shown when Maggie in the film bit her tongue and the nurse’s only solution was sedation mocking what nursing really entails-prevention, promotion of health, advocacy, support and others. Same cluelessness of nurses was projected in ‘Brooke Ellison Story (2004) and equally showing nurses as negligent, ill-mannered and not been empathetic. Nurses are also seen in Hollywood as insignificant in healthcare. In the film, Sicko (2007) and Living in Emergency, no recognition was given to the nurses who fought with the physicians to save the lives they were applauding for. However, some Hollywood works e.g HawthoRNe, Rookies, Angels in America, Nurse Jackie were able to project nurses as brave advocates, empathetic, intelligent, skillful and not prostituting. To change the mindset of the public and erase the implanted stereotype about nursing, nurses first need to see the job as a profession and then struggle relentlessly to be intelligent and reliable professionals. Then, nurses need to be stronger and louder in speaking back to the media in general. Messages of what nursing is should be sent across through televisions, radios, newspapers, billboards, internet services ,CDs, DVDs, Magazines, Schools and other available means. Letters need to be written to Tv program stating our ideas and counteracting any false notion against us. Nurses in notable positions should persistently speak up and defend the profession, redeem its image and make it more attractive. More public approval and acceptance can advance nursing, help in the looming shortage of nurses and as such help the care system in the long run. References Laura A. Stokowski (2010) : A letter to Hollywood. Nurses are not Handmaiden. Medscape. Sandy and Harry Summers (2010): Saving lives: Why the media portraya of nurses puts us al at risk. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Toyota Motor Vehicles: SWOT Analysis

Toyota Motor Vehicles: SWOT Analysis Toyota Motor Vehicles Background Toyota Motor Corporation is a famous Japanese multinational corporation, and is considered the worlds second largest automaker of automobiles. The founder of Toyota is Kiichiro Toyoda, who born in 1894, and the son of Sakichi Toyoda, who was popular in the invention of the automatic loom. Toyota motors became a mainstay of Japan economy 1n 1960. And it get great growth in this time. And the annual sale of TMC in Japan was about one million dollar I 1962 Introduction Toyota Motor Corporation, being a multinational is the worlds largest automaker in terms of sales volume. As of 2008, Toyota employs approximately 316,000 people around the world in comparison to second ranked automaker General Motors 266,000 employees. The company is mainly engaged in automobile business and financial business. In end of 1989, Toyota started its manufacturing in Europe by having two main manufacturing plants working in UK. It provides all ranges of cars from mini vehicles to big trucks. Toyota Philosophy Toyotas management philosophy has evolved from the companys origins and has been reflected in the terms Lean Manufacturing and Just In Time Production, which it was instrumental in developing. The Toyota Way has four components: 1) Long-term thinking as a basis for management decisions, 2) a process for problem-solving, 3) adding value to the organization by developing its people, and 4) recognizing that continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning. They deals in wide range of cars like: Avensis Previa Dyna CBU Camry Coaster Land cruiser Prado Fortuner Toyota Motors main competitors: General Motors (GM): It was the worlds largest selling vehicle producer but their market shares were decline in the 80s and mid 90s. Ford: It was the second largest motor car selling and profit making company in the world right behind the GM Company. Chrysler: It was the third main competitor of Toyota. The company was almost gone bankrupt during the 80s but their government support their company and saved them. Main Body SWOT Analysis (S)trengths One of the main biggest strengths of Toyota is the JUST IN TIME concept. Just in Time spirit implies to the two opposing forces of providing fast and flexible response, and yet building mechanisms and systems that are efficient and waste-free. The concept is to provide the right product and information, at the right time, in the right amount, in the right manner, while maintaining high standards of efficiency and cost control. JIT has resulted in ZERO inventory and enormous saving in the cost. The company has recorded a strapping financial performance in recent years. Toyota Motors revenues increased at a compound annual growth rate of 11.1% during 2004-08.The Company also had witnessed a considerable increase in profitability. During 2004-08, the average operating profit margin and net profit margin of the company stood at 9.1% and 6.5%, respectively. The strong financial performance of the company has contributed to its market domination. This, in turn, enhances investors confidence in the company for investment. Toyota is one of the top leading automotive brands in the world. In the annual ranking of top 100 global brands by BusinessWeek and Interbrand in 2008, Toyota figured in the sixth position. According to the survey, Toyotas brand value has increased by 6%, to reach $34.1 billion in 2008. In addition, it is the highest ranking automotive brand name in the world. It is ranked well ahead of its competitors like Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Ford, Hyundai, Porsche and Nissan. For instance, in the same period, Ford has been faced with a number of troubles, including a failure to meet its goals for SUV mileage gains or to exploit its well-regarded Escape hybrid; subsequently, the brand value of Ford fell by 12%, to $7.9 billion in 2008. Toyotas luxury car, Lexus, also has an independent ranking in the top 100 global brands. The brand value of Lexus was around $3.6 billion, with a ranking of 90. Some of the other popular product brands of the company include Corolla, Camry, Sienna, Prius and Scion. The companys strong brand image gives it considerable competitive advantage and helps the company to register higher sales growth in domestic, as well as in international markets. In 2003 Toyota has beaten its rival Ford into third spot, to become the Worlds second largest carmaker with 6.78 million units. The company is still behind rivals General Motors with 8.59 million units in the same period. Its strong industry position is based upon a number of factors including a diversified product range, highly targeted marketing and a commitment to turn manufacturing and quality. The company makes a large range of vehicles for both private customers and commercial organizations, from the small Yaris to large trucks. The company uses marketing techniques to identify and satisfy customer needs. Its brand is a household name. The company also maximizes profit through efficient manufacturing approaches (e.g. Total Quality Management). (W)eaknesses Usually big setup faces problems during oversupply as in it the company need to make sure that it is the models that consumers want. Toyota markets most of its products in the US and in Japan due to which they are always exposed to fluctuating economic and political conditions. Perhaps that is the reason that now the company is beginning to shift its attentions to the emerging Chinese market. Toyota Motor provides pension benefits and other post-retirement health and life insurance benefits to employees. During the Year 2008, the company incurred post retirement benefit expenses of approximately $709.1m. The company also paid a total of approximately $671.5m for the post retirement benefit plans during 2007. Furthermore, by the end of March 2008, the companys projected pension and post-retirement benefit obligations stood at approximately $14,865.9m as compared to the planned assets of approximately $11,256.4m, resulting into an unfunded status of approximately $3,609.5m. Sizeable unfunded post retirement benefits would force the company to make periodic cash contributions towards bridging the gap between post retirement benefits obligations and planned assets, which would reduce cash available for growth plans. The company needs to keep producing the cars in order to retain its operational efficiency. Car plants represent a huge investment in expensive fixed costs, as well as the high costs of training and retaining labor. So if the car market experiences a down turn, the company could see over capacity. If on the other hand the car market experiences an upturn, then the company may miss out on potential sales due to under capacity i.e. it takes time to accommodate. This is a typical problem with high volume car manufacturing companies. (O)pportunities Worldwide demand for light hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is estimated to reach 4.0 million units by 2015. Rising energy costs and increased emissions regulations are likely to increase the demand for HEVs, as hybrid engines are more fuel efficient and less polluting than conventional gasoline and diesel engines. The primary markets for HEVs will be within Triad countries (the US, Western Europe and Japan), although the quickly growing Chinese market is also expected to experience relatively strong demand for these fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. Toyota Motor Company is keen to capitalize on the growing demand for hybrid electric vehicles. The company has spent a large amount of money for the development of hybrid vehicles over the years. The accumulative total of Toyota Motors hybrid vehicle sales reached 1.5 million in June 2008. Furthermore, the company plans to expand its hybrid lineup and achieve annual sales of one million hybrid vehicles by early 2010. For this, the company plans to introduce demand-creating products. The company also launched models such as the Prius and LS600h hybrids at the 2008 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, held at the new China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. The companys emphasis on hybrid technology will enable it to capitalize on the positive market trends in this segment to enhance its market position Lexus and Toyota now have a reputation for manufacturing environmentally friendly vehicles. Lexus has RX 400h hybrid, and Toyota has it Prius. Both are based upon advance technologies developed by the organization. Such moves can only firm up Toyotas interest and investment in hybrid RD. Toyota Motor has launched several new models in year 008. For example, in April 2008, Toyota Company has displayed a total of 50 concept vehicles at the 2008 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition. The company has launched its models including the compactYaris, the new Vios and Lexus LX570 SUV, along with concept cars such as the iQ compact and the personal mobility vehicle ‘i-REAL. The company also displayed models such as the Prius and LS600h hybrids and the GOA (Global Outstanding Assessment) collision-safety body represented by a Camry and Crown models. Besides helping to garner additional revenues, new models will also help the company to revamp its aging model line up Toyota is going to target the urban youth market. The company has launched its new Aygo, which is targeted at the streetwise youth market and captures (or attempts to) the nature of dance and DJ culture in a very competitive segment. The vehicle itself is a unique one. Convertible, with models extending at their rear! The narrow segment is notorious for it narrows margins and difficulties for branding. (T)hreats The worldwide automotive market is highly competitive. Toyota Motor Company is facing tough competition from other automotive manufacturers in its various markets. The competition among various auto players is likely to exaggerate in light of continuing globalization and consolidation in the worldwide automotive industry. The factors affecting competition include product quality and features, the amount of time required for innovation and development, pricing, reliability, safety, fuel economy, customer service and financing terms. Increased competition may lead the company to lower vehicle unit sales and increased inventory, which may result in a further downward price pressure and can negatively affect the companys financial condition and results of operations. The European Union (EU) Commission and the EU Parliament have adopted a directive that establishes increasingly stringent emission standards for passenger and light commercial vehicles for model years 2005 and thereafter. Under the directive, manufacturers will be responsible for the emission performance of these vehicles for five years or 100,000 kilometers, whichever occurs first. A more stringent Emission standard (EURO 5) is also on the table of the EU legislative bodies and is likely to be effective from 2009. This will create more tough competition to work in EU as they would require more to concentrate on quality which will increase their cost and will lead to increase in prices by which the other competitors in the area would take advantage as their home land? As with any other car manufacturer, Toyota is facing great deal of competitive rivalry in the car market. Competition is increasing almost on the daily basis, with new entrants coming into the market from China, South Korea and new plants in Eastern Europe. The company is also exposed to any movement in the price of raw materials such as rubber, steel and fuel. The key economies in the Pacific, the US and Europe is also experiencing slowdowns. These economic factors are potential threats for Toyota. PEST Analysis (P)olitical Toyota had a lot of help from the local government, including tax breaks. The company is likewise linked closely to the policies ofgovernments, the earnings of banks. Toyota is currently dominated by little more than a handful of firms, each wielding colossal financial, emotional and political power. The companys approach to dealing with political institutions has not always been brilliant. It tends to be good on technical issues, although it has not always fully presented the longer-term options, in order to make the choices and their implications clear. Toyota is expected to sell Indiana and its assets to the world. (E)conomic For much of the developed world, Toyota Company is a pillar company in auto mobile business, a flag of economic progress. The Toyota Company has been a core company, a unique economic phenomenon, which has dominated the twentieth century. However, the automobile industry including the Toyota now suffers from a series of structural schisms and has become riddled with contradictions and economic discontinuities. For the capital markets and the finance sector, it has lost a lot of its significance, as a result of ever declining profits and stagnant sales. The proliferation of products means that it has become hopelessly wasteful of economic resources. While all these and more sound like a very gloomy assessment of such a vast economic phenomenon, the industry is not in the end despondent. A different future is possible for the industry, a highly desirable one. (S)ocial and Cultural Toyotas ability to bring to market world-class vehicles depends, in large part, on the craftsmanship and hard work. As part of the development in automotive industry, the Toyota Company actually affects the society as a whole. It employs millions of people directly, tens of millions indirectly. Its products have transformed society, bringing undreamed-of levels of mobility, changing the ways people live and work. The social value of the additional mobility that this industry brings involves the value of the people being able to commute over longer distances easily, among many others. There are, on the other hand, particular social issues to address in many developing countries, often those that are the result of an undertone of religious faith. Toyota company has the role to play in helping develop the mobility of such countries and it can be achieved at an acceptable social cost of the country is prepared to learn the necessary lessons from those who have traveled this route before it, and to make the necessary investments. (T)echnology In 1994, the Toyota Company had given its employees the challenge to bring up with new technological change in cars. The car for the 21st century. For this purpose a special team was developed to make the car. This team was named as G21 team. In 1997; Toyotas G21 team made a car which is both fuel efficient and environment friendly as well. They made a hybrid car named as Prius. This car was a major success in Japan at that time. Till that time Toyota hasnt introduced this technology outside Japan. In 2001 Toyota introduces hybrid cars worldwide. Hybrid car can be run on engine or battery or both. The production of first hybrid car in Europe was started in 2010. Success of hybrid car can be shown by the fact that over 3,000,000 cars were sold worldwide. There are different models of hybrid cars had been made so far which are as follows, NHW10 Model (1997-2000) NHW11 Model (2001-2003) NHW20 Model (2004-2009) NHW30 Model (2009-till present) Recommendations Toyota is being one of the top motor vehicle producers in the world still needs to do a lot more improvements regarding their quality and services by taking seriously the consumer complaints Since last few months the company is facing some quality issues which need to be rectify soon because some researchers are also pointing out these which is creating a bad impact for the company and its market share. Toyota also had added some experts containing both consumers and experts. They had been recommended by their union back in Japan to review their quality but they are not directly affiliated with the Toyota Company. They also need to review these members and had to directly affiliate them with Toyota. Toyotas main hazard in their success had been their big recall of its cars all over the world. The company had failed to identify and solve this issue and this can create big impact in their sales and perception of their customers while purchasing car. So they need to rectify and solve this problem quickly so that the image of the company can be retained. Moreover they also should make a proper consumer profile on their website as well. This will enable them to easily identify its consumers and make the strategy for marketing according to that. The company had used social media like face book and twitter for the consumers. It is the demand of the time of these days but the problem is that they are not making good use of it. Their participation through these is almost zero. If they improve on that participation and make it more active then that will help the company a lot and can be a good marketing source as well.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Defence of the Corporate Veil - Parent Companies Beware! :: Business Management Studies

The Defence of the Corporate Veil - Parent Companies Beware! Much interest has recently been shown in the potential consequences of the judgment given in Stocznia Gdanska SA -v- Latvian Shipping Co and others, which was substantially upheld by the Court of Appeal on 21 June 2002. Although the case related to Shipbuilding Contracts, the result has reinforced the traditional view that the Courts will not countenance any further erosion of the fundamental principle of English Company Law that a company is to be regarded as a legal entity with a separate legal personality, distinct from that of its members. However, the case has highlighted potential alternative sources of liability for parent companies establishing wholly owned single-purpose subsidiaries - in many industry sectors, including shipping, property and big-ticket asset finance. The basic principles The principle of separate corporate personality has been established for over a century. In the leading case of Salomon -v- Salomon & Co. (1897), the House of Lords held that, regardless of the extent of a particular shareholder's interest in the company, and notwithstanding that such shareholder had sole control of the company's affairs as its governing director, the company's acts were not his acts; nor were its liabilities his liabilities. Thus, the fact that one shareholder controls all, or virtually all, the shares in a company is not a sufficient reason for ignoring the legal personality of the company; on the contrary, the "veil of incorporation" will not be lifted so as to attribute the rights or liabilities of a company to its shareholders. The basic principle established in Salomon in relation to single companies was extended to groups of companies by a comparatively recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Adams -v- Cape Industries PLC (1990). In that case, the Court of Appeal held that, as a matter of law, it was not entitled to lift the corporate veil against a defendant company, which was a member of a corporate group, merely because the corporate structure had been used so as to ensure that the legal liability in respect of particular future activities of the group would fall on another member of the group rather than on the defendant company. In effect, the Court of Appeal rejected the argument that the corporate veil should be pierced just because a group of companies operated as a single economic entity. Related principles and considerations A corollary of the basic Salomon principle is that a company cannot be characterised as an agent of its shareholders unless there is clear evidence to show that the company was in fact acting as an agent in a particular transaction or series of transactions.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Far Did the Position of Black Americans Improve in the Years 1945-1955?

The US military involvement in WW2 was to have a lasting effect on civil rights and racist attitudes. The conflict brought on many changes that would highlight African American civil rights, for example it created many jobs for black people, not only in the defence industry but also to meet growing labour demand. Although between 1945-1955 there was indefinitely progress made for the position of black Americans, there were also limitations to that progress. The population of cities in the north such as Detroit grew dramatically as black people migrated during the war. Although there was a lot more availability of employment for African American’s, they would often find they were discriminated against, for instance not receiving equal pay to white workers. Employers would usually use the principle ‘Last to be hired, first to be fired. ’ It was a rarity for African Americans to be promoted as when they it would follow with walk outs and riots from white workers. In order to prevent the march on Washington movement, President Roosevelt agreed to set up the Fair Employment Practices Commission in order to accommodate equal opportunities for black people in defence industry jobs. This also led to increase in labour jobs, there was a 25% increase in African Americans working in the iron and steel industry. The numbers employed in government service increased from 50,000 to 200,000. However it had its limitations, railroads usually refused to hire black people and in the Deep South prejudice remained on employment issues. The NAACP campaigned to challenge the ‘Plessy v. Ferguson’ doctrine. Inequality was easily spotted in education. For example research showed that the pupil-teacher ratio was 20% better in white schools than in back, in addition to this white teachers generally receiveda much larger salary in comparison to a black teacher. The NAACP proceeded to sue on behalf of black students, which eventually resulting in the ‘Brown v. Board of Education’ legal case. Following the Brown case, Earl Warren who was the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, agreed that not only was segregation in education demoralising for African Americans, but segregation in general too. However this stirred up protest in the south. The White Citizens council formed the ‘Southern Manifesto’ in order to fight the brown case. There was also slow progress to the integration of public schools as The Supreme Court had not set a time limit, instead it had stated progression to e done with ‘deliberate speed. ’ There was also no action enforced by President Eisenhower who was reluctant to avoid stirring further opposition. Altogether, there was progress in economic status for African Americans. Due to the creation of trade unions and activist groups, something was finally being done about inequality for Blacks. However this gentle action was often faced with forceful opposition, or simply not enough being done, therefore hindering progress.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Is Report Same as Essay? Essay

There are some basic differences between a report and an essay in an academic setting. The format of a report and essay differ as well as the main purpose of each. While there are similarities and differences between an essay and report, it’s essential to know which format you’re being asked to write. First, we’ll discuss what a report is, and then continue on to see what makes an essay. Keep in mind that a report can be much longer than an essay, and report readers generally only quickly scan it to pick up its general idea. In either way, your ideas should be easily found and compelling enough so the reader continues to read. To begin, a report and essay are similar in the fact that they both need to be in a formal style, have analytical thinking, a neat presentation with careful proofreading, as well as an introduction, body, and conclusion. Furthermore, a few distinct characteristics make a report different from an essay, such as a report gives information instead of an argument. Usually, a reader will more thoroughly read an essay compared to a report. Reports can include graphics and have short paragraphs along with numbered headings and sub-headings. Also, a writer will often need to write an executive summary after they’ve finished writing their full report. Such a summary isn’t necessary with an essay. report A report should be used to clearly and sufficiently inform the reader of the topic you’re writing about. While every lecturer or professor may have different guidelines they prefer, there are general rules to follow when writing a report. Unless otherwise requested, a report should consist of the following essential sections: title page, introduction, body, and conclusion. If you want to go a step further, include a letter of transmittal, table of contents, list of abbreviations and/or a glossary, executive summary, recommendations, bibliography, and appendices. The style and presentation of a report are very important in order to be taken seriously and have people want to read your full report. There are certain tips that you should follow to write a report that leaves a great first impression. You’ll want to ensure you use plenty of white space, and that the different parts of your report are easily recognized. Don’t forget to use sub-headings with plenty of space between different sections. Graphs, illustrations, and maps are encouraged to be used as they can clarify the information you’re trying to give. Number each page of a report with consistent formatting, and always use formal language. On the other hand, there are some things to avoid when writing a report. Leave out any inaccurate and conflicting information. Don’t include any outdated data, or irrelevant statistics. Keep opinions separate from facts, and leave out any unsupported recommendations or conclusions. Also, don’t let somebody read your report if it focuses more on appearance and has a lack of content. Lastly, a report isn’t finished without careful proofreading. The topics for reports usually consist of a problem or case study with a hypothetical situation. The information for reports comes from readings, fieldwork, and practical work. A report’s purpose is not only to investigate information, but to present and analyze it extensively and logically. A report is often used to make proposals, and to recommend actions to solve a problem. When writing a report, know that your audience will usually be those that are knowledgeable in the area you’re writing about and can be a client or manager. A report needs to be objective and can sometimes include bullet points. In order for a report to be successful, it needs to show that the writer has good research skills, and everything presented was relative information. essay When writing an essay, a topic will usually be a proposition or question and is predominantly based on reading. An essay’s purpose is to have a well-argued response to the original question and should also establish a proposition. The writer’s lecturer will usually be the reader of the essay. The essay’s style can be subjective, as long as it fits in an academic setting. Successful essays make the argument interesting, and are also determined on how the writer was able to relate one point to the next in a smooth format, while establishing a proposition. An essay is generally thought of as a well-organized collection of your ideas that is nicely written and presented professionally. An essay should be easy to read and properly thought out. When collecting material for an essay, you’ll have both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are literary texts, while secondary sources consist of any works of criticism. In this case, the more sources you have to refer to the better. Your own ideas about literary texts are very important, as well as always putting the reader first. Make sure the text is compelling and professionally presentable, yet make it easy for the reader to understand. Five steps to writing an impressive essay †¢Step One – research, you want to make yourself an expert on the topic you’ve chosen to, or assigned to write about. The internet, academic databases, and libraries are all great places to browse literature. †¢Step Two – you’ll want to analyze the arguments in the readings you’ve chosen. Not only should you look for arguments in the topic, look for strengths too. †¢Step Three – Brainstorm how you want to write the essay, and then pick a thesis. To do this, pick the best idea and make it into a clear assertion that you can write a whole essay on. Make an outline with one-line sentences to describe each paragraph. †¢Step Four – it’s time to write the essay starting with an introduction that grab’s the readers’ attention. The body of the text should be made of paragraphs that each focuses on a certain idea that agrees with your thesis. The conclusion should have one sentence that can wrap up the whole essay, followed by maybe a question, twist of logic, or a call to action. †¢Step Five – Essays are usually written in MLA style, making sure that every quotation and borrowed idea is cited throughout the text along with a works cited page at the end. Once the rough draft is complete, read through your essay correcting any grammar and make sure the essay has a nice flow. However, if you prefer a professional to take a look, then you should see our essay editing and dissertation editing services for students.

Marketing Management Project Elements Essay

* What should Sonic’s mission statement be? -â€Å"Make technology an asset in your life and not a setback. Be the creator of your world through advanced technology. Sonic brings advanced technology to you through providing communication, information storage and exchange, organization and entertainment on mobile devices†. * In what competitive spheres (industry, products and applications, competence, market-segment, vertical, and geographic) should Sonic operate? Industry: PDA’s and smartphones for all lifestyles. Whether personal, business, or the student on the go. Products and applications: Smart devices that have numerous features and functions on a single device. Some features may include, Wi-Fi capabilities, Bluetooth technology, high definition quality videos, live movie and television streaming, music, camera, and security system all available at a competitive price. Competence: Creating and selling an original product with a wide range of features at a reasonable rate Market-Segments: Students can use the device to contact family and friends while on the go and also as multimedia device. Professionals may be more inclined to use the smart devices for business, such as scheduling appointments, emailing employees, customer transactions, and organizing contact information. Entrepreneurs and corporate users may seek to update and access critical data. Vertical: The product is manufactured and distributed throughout the U.S. markets by wholesalers and retailers. Geographic: The product is placed throughout the country. * Which of Porter’s generic competitive strategies would you recommend Sonic follow in formulating overall strategy? Sonic should look at Porter’s differentiation of focus generic strategy. One of Sonic’s strength is its clever and unique products. Since there products are innovative, it stands out from similar products that may already be on the market. Also, Sonic focuses and targets its products on a few segment markets and aims them at users for different uses. * What demographic changes are likely to affect Sonic’s targeted segments? The target segments that are likely to be affected are the professionals, students, corporate users, entrepreneurs and medical users. The demographic changes would be in age, gender, income, schooling and the kind of work a person does. All these would serve as the body of consumers or non-consumers that would buy Sonics new product. * What economic trends might influence buyer behaviour in Sonic’s targeted segments? The economy is always experiencing alternating periods of growth and decline. In this case economic trends that may influence a buyer behaviour of Sonics target segments is that technological development would have to be on the rise, allowing better ways to do certain things. Also period of growth would be and influence. Persons would spend more money during that time of economic growth. * How might the rapid pace of technological change alter Sonic’s competitive situation? The rapid pace of technological change may alter sonic competitive situation because of the large market of technology. Other companies that are in the same market that are targeting the same demographic would serve as competition. The competitors would come up with new and innovative ideas so that they may be the leaders in that market. * What surveys, focus groups, observation, behavioural data, or experiments will Sonic need to support its marketing strategy? Be specific about the questions or issues that Sonic needs to resolve its marketing problem. Sonic will need to use online surveys, small focus groups and observation to support its marketing strategy. An online survey will be ideal for Sonic as it is more beneficial to collect quantitative information in the fields of marketing from numerous consumers and the target market. A small focus group should be done on students, ranging from ages 18-25 to discern why PDA’s may or may not be popular among this age demographic. The moderator can ask questions such as, â€Å"How many persons are willing to pay more money for a newer, improved product with more features?†. The questions can then become more specific and the moderator can ask about the various brands of PDA’s, preference in brands, pricing, and factors that may persuade a consumer to purchase a certain product. Observation will also be needed to support Sonic’s marketing strategy. Company researchers can observe individuals and settings unobtrusively as they shop for products. They can also ask consumers to write down, there thought process, what they look for in a PDA, as well as how they compare pricing and perceived value amongst products. * Where can you find suitable secondary data about total demand for PDAs over the next two years? Identify at least two sources (online or off-line), describe what you plan to draw from each source, and indicate how the data would be useful for Sonic’s marketing plan. Suitable secondary data can be found online websites such as â€Å"† and â€Å"†. Using â€Å"†, information can be gathered on the latest news and trends regarding PDA’s. By using this source, we plan to draw information on the newest personal data assistants and handheld computers on the market and how they compete. How other businesses use PDAs in specific industries for specialized task and what may be on the horizon for cutting edge PDA technology. By using â€Å"† we will be able to view trends, analysis, statistics and various PDA market reports throughout the country as well as globally. * Recommend three specific marketing metrics for Sonic to apply in determining marketing effectiveness. To determine marketing effectiveness Sonic should apply these three marketing metrics: 1) Sales by market segment. 2) Brand awareness. 3) Customer Satisfaction.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Careers in Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Careers in Accounting - Essay Example Income Tax Act and the Companies Act have laid down certain requirements on business organizations to put forward annual financial statements. These financial statements have to be prepared as per GAAP standards. The recording of accounts of a business using the double entry system of book keeping is done in a general ledger, which is also known as the nominal ledger. This is the principal book of entry and it includes accounts for items like current assets, fixed assets, liabilities, revenue and expense items, gains and losses. Collected group of accounts supporting the items displayed in the main financial statement is shown in the general ledger. The transactions are recorded in the general ledger directly from the sales daybook, purchases daybook, cash book and general journals daybook. This ledger is generally supported by one or more subsidiary ledgers which give the details of the accounts posted. For instance an accounts receivable subsidiary ledger would give the information for every credit customer so that the balance in the customer's accounts can be easily tracked. The subsidiary ledger is then totaled and compared with the controlling account which is the accounts receivable in this case. This ensures accuracy and it is a part of the process of preparing a trial balance. (Professor Cram, 2008). The general ledger helps in deriving the balance sheet and ... Each and every account in the general ledger may consist of one or more than one pages. Posting in general terms is the process of recording the credits and the debits in the general ledger. Also a column will display the running activity total (Professor Cram, 2008). Example of a general ledger entry: The above is the 'T' form of a general ledger. What is a Sales Ledger A salesledger incorporates the personal accounts of clients who have some sort of sales made on credit by the business. They are known as debtors. A sales ledger records information with regard to invoices issued, credit notes issued and payments received. As customers is the life-blood of any business it becomes a necessity for a business to main a sales ledger efficiently and accurately. What is a Purchase ledger A purchase ledger of any business contains the personal accounts of suppliers from whom the business has purchased on credit. Information with regard to invoices received, credit notes received and payments sent are recorded in this book. A purchase ledger invariably records all purchases made by a business. It supervises: The outgoings of a business. The amount owed to others by a business at any one time Theoretical need for these skills: Financial statements offer a synopsis of the financial condition of any business at any given time both in short and long term. All the related financial information of a business which is presented in a prepared manner and in a form easy to comprehend is known as the financial statements. The four basic financial statements are: 1. Balance sheet: shows the financial position or condition and reports on a company's assets, liabilities, and net equity at any given point of time. 2. Income statement: is the Profit and